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Name | Last Modified | Size | Type |
Parent Directory/ | - | Directory | |
allpkgs/ | 2025-Feb-05 19:02:13 | - | Directory |
bratislava/ | 2014-Apr-04 11:16:53 | - | Directory |
dublin/ | 2011-Sep-05 11:37:32 | - | Directory |
kiel/ | 2012-Nov-12 00:49:58 | - | Directory |
legacy/ | 2008-Oct-24 21:10:13 | - | Directory |
munich/ | 2014-Sep-29 01:08:53 | - | Directory |
releases/ | 2014-Sep-28 20:58:24 | - | Directory |
stable/ | 2014-Apr-04 11:16:53 | - | Directory |
testing/ | 2014-Sep-29 01:08:53 | - | Directory |
unstable/ | 2013-Apr-27 10:02:49 | - | Directory |
MIRROR_LAST_SYNC | 2025-Feb-06 17:00:00 | 0.1K | text/plain |
README | 2014-Sep-29 00:48:44 | 2.9K | text/plain |
pkgutil-i386.pkg | 2025-Feb-06 17:53:28 | 561.0K | application/octet-stream |
pkgutil-sparc.pkg | 2025-Feb-06 17:53:28 | 561.0K | application/octet-stream |
pkgutil.pkg | 2025-Feb-06 17:53:28 | 561.0K | application/octet-stream |